I have worked out a way to get a full screen display of a specific dashboard for use with a digital signage display using a Raspberry Pi, using only a web browser. The Dashboard client was ok, but required a Windows machine, and although we could use the existing web page with automatic login (http://community.whatsupgold.com/forums/whatsupgoldeditionsstandardandpremiumeditions/automatic-login-by-url)
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Month: July 2014
Renaming NetApp SnapMirror Destinations
We have a collection of NetApp devices hosting a large number of volumes, and utilise SnapMirrors extensively for backup and DR, as well as moving information between departments As the storage has grown, and different people have added new volumes, new SnapMirrors have been created, with a wide variety of naming formats to match the
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Setting Max Concurrent Mailbox Moves on all CAS Servers
Have been working on a migration of a whole load of mailboxes. One of the first things I came across is the pre-defined limit on the number of concurrent mailbox moves that can be completed on a CAS server in an Exchange environment. I knew that our environment could handle a few more moves than
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I’m back!
Now back in to doing some proper geeky stuff, which is what I love doing. So, here marks the start of a new set of posts which actually provide useful (at least in my opinion) tools, fixes, and scripts. Kicking off with a little bit of Exchange, got a couple of NetApp PowerShell tools in the
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