Using Add-Type in a PowerShell script that is run as a Scheduled Task

I like using objects in PowerShell, they make management and scripting easier as your are dealing with named sets of information and not having to find objects in numbered arrays or use dictionaries. That means however that a lot of my scripts start off with a block that looks a little like this: $UserDefinition =
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PowerShell: Running processes independently of a PS Session on Remote Machines

PowerShell remoting is a great way of utilising commands and processing power of remote systems all from one console. It is also good at pulling information from remote systems and collating this together. There are plenty of examples of using PSSessions, and the Invoke-Command functions to manipulate remote machines, bring down remote modules to work
Continue reading PowerShell: Running processes independently of a PS Session on Remote Machines

PowerShell: Using AlphaFS to list files and folder longer than 260 characters and checking access

PowerShell is great. However, it has a couple of limitations – either by design or inheritance that are annoying to say the least. One commonly documented failing, which is inherited from the .NET framework is its inability to access files that have a total path length over 260 characters. Another limitation is the linear nature
Continue reading PowerShell: Using AlphaFS to list files and folder longer than 260 characters and checking access