Knowing that an agent is not reporting is essential, as if the agent is not reporting then the status of all the monitors on the system will not be up to date. As such I have been looking into doing this and have come up with this: $Agents = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $SCOMServer -ScriptBlock { Import-Module
Continue reading SCOM 2012: Finding all inactive agents using PowerShell
Category: SCOM
Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity – 403 Forbidden at ‘Issue an HTTP OPTIONS command’
I have spent some time troubleshooting an alert from SCOM that ActiveSync was not working on all Exchange 2010 servers in an environment. The environment is currently in co-existence with Exchange 2016, with all client access services already pointed to 2016. Running the Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity cmdlet returned the following result: Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity -TrustAnySSLCertificate:$true | fl … ClientAccessServer
Continue reading Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity – 403 Forbidden at ‘Issue an HTTP OPTIONS command’